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Plant Air Services Upgrade

Air Compressor and Dryer Electrical Integration

AGL: South Australia

– Project management, enclosure manufacture and trades supervision.
– Field ladder and electrical cabling installation.
– Supervisory controls design.
– Integration into the plantwide control system.
– Commissioning assistance.

– Zero Lost Time Injuries.
– Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

June 2017.

Stack Emissions Monitoring

Gas turnbine emissions measurement and reporting

Citic Pacific: Western Australia

– Addition of 6 more emissions stacks expanding our February 2016 installation.
– Project management, server configuration and supply, emissions information systems.
– Hourly, daily and monthly emissions reports using the informDB Technology Stack.
– Communications and interfacing to the ABB gas analyzers.
– Linkage to the plantwide control systems.
– Quality documentation including drawings.
– On site commissioning.

-Zero Lost Time Injuries.
-Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

May 2017.

Shutdown Services

Major shutdown services – ammonium nitrate production plant

Incitec Pivot Limited – Dyno Nobel Moranbah Queensland

– DCS and Safety Instrumented System (SIS) proof checking.
– Maintenance and update of quality test sheets and records.
– Rectification and update works where required.
– Hazardous area.
– Zero Loss Time Injuries.
– Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

April 2017.

Fuel Oil Tank Facility

Radar level integration via wireless network to plantwide control system

AGL: South Australia

– Project management, enclosure manufacture and trades supervision.
– Field conduit and electrical cabling installation.
– Electrical design for radar gauge level automation.
– Hazardous area design and installation.
– Drawing office completion.
– Custom mechanical instrument stand and cable way manufacture.
– Commissioning assistance.

– Zero Lost Time Injuries.
– Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

February 2017.

Gas Plant – Emissions Monitoring

Oil & Gas processing emissions monitoring

Exxon: Longford Gas Processing Plant

– Project management, server configuration and supply, emissions information systems.
– Hourly, daily and monthly emissions reports using the informDB Technology Stack.
– Communications and interfacing to the ABB gas analyzers.
– Linkage to the plantwide control systems.
– Quality documentation including drawings.
– On site commissioning.

-Zero Lost Time Injuries.
-Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Factory testing February 2016. Commissioning December 2016

Liquid CO2 Production Plant

Electrical and instrument integration for CO2 gas collection.

Air Liquide: South Australia

– Project management, enclosure manufacture and trades supervision.
– Field ladder and electrical cabling installation.
– Manufacture and supply of MCC and field switchboards.
– Electrical design for field valve automation.
– Commissioning assistance.

– Zero Loss Time Injuries.
– Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

December 2016.

Pump Station MCC

Outdoor salt water pumping station MCC

Air Liquide: South Australia

– Design completion and fitout.
– Manufacturing supervision of the custom stainless steel 3 bay enclosure.
– In factory fitout of PLC, VSD, air conditioner and switchgear.
– In factory MCC electrical wiring.
– In field installation and quality check prior to power up.

– Zero Lost Time Injuries.
– Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

December 2016.

Power Turbine Control Integration

Linking 3 power turbine generators to the existing plantwide control system.

Stanwell: Queensland

– Project management, control system engineering, cabling, terminations and trades supervision.
– Fiber optic installation and termination.
– Relay protection system automation.
– Linking existing skid mounted power generator AB controls to the Foxboro plantwide DCS.

-Zero Lost Time Injuries.
-Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

December 2016.

Water Treatment Plant

Demineralisation plant control system and cabling upgrade.

AGL: South Australia

– Legacy control system documentation and upgrade (Siemens platform).
– Addition of a touch screen user interface.
– Project management, enclosure manufacture, control system design and trades supervision.
– Enhanced communications via fibre optic installation.

– Zero Lost Time Injuries.
– Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

May 2016.

Power Station GPS Synchronized Timecode

GPS time synchronization receiver installed and connected to the Plant Wide control system

Stanwell: Far North Queensland power station

– Design and issue drawings.
– Procure equipment, stage and test.
– Design lightning protection circuits and select equipment.
– Complete a site installation and quality plan.
– Install GPS receiver and lightning arrestors on site, run cabling to Plant Wide control system.
– Configure software in control system to synchronize time automatically.
– Test and hand over

– Zero Lost Time Injuries.
– Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

March 2016.

Office and Administration Contact:

(p): +61 (0)3 9024 6223

(f) +61 (0)3 9011 9640