Power Turbine Control Integration

Linking 3 power turbine generators to the existing plantwide control system. Stanwell: Queensland Scope: - Project management, control system engineering, cabling, terminations and trades supervision. - Fiber optic installation and termination. - Relay protection system automation. - Linking existing skid mounted power generator AB controls to the Foxboro plantwide DCS. Safety: -Zero Lost Time Injuries. -Zero Medical Treatment Injuries. Completion: December 2016.

Linking 3 power turbine generators to the existing plantwide control system.

Stanwell: Queensland

– Project management, control system engineering, cabling, terminations and trades supervision.
– Fiber optic installation and termination.
– Relay protection system automation.
– Linking existing skid mounted power generator AB controls to the Foxboro plantwide DCS.

-Zero Lost Time Injuries.
-Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

December 2016.

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