
Control System Upgrade

Process Control
Process Control, Hypochlorite Plant- South Australia

- Control System Upgrade

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: December 2024.

Instrumentation Calibration

Process Control
Process Control, Instrument Calibration of CO2 Capture Plant - South Australia

- From an instrument list access instruments.
-Check operation via calibration.
- Complete calibration certificates.
- Power up and handover.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: September 2024.

Warehouse Factory Electrical Fit-out

Warehouse Factory Fit-out – South Australia

- Electrical fit-out.
- Fire system fit-out.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: February 2024.

Air Quality Monitoring Dashboard

Air Quality Monitoring - Medical Facility in Melbourne

- Add sensors to locations that need to be monitored.
-Provide dashboard to look at live readings of sensors.
- Setup alerts for when thresholds are breached.
- Provide reports that are emailed daily (shows readings and alerts).

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: January 2024.

Instrumentation Calibration

Process Control
Process Control, Instrument Calibration of CO2 Capture Plant - South Australia

- From an instrument list access instruments.
-Check operation via calibration.
- Complete calibration certificates.
- Power up and handover.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: October 2023.

LoraWAN Rollout

LoraWAN Private Network Rollout
Install private LoraWAN network throughout Queensland

- Develop safe installation methods.
- Install aerial and cabling on industrial rooftops.
- Test and provide quality documents to owner.
- Power up and handover.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: August 2023.

Effluent Water Plant

Process Control
Process Control, Remote Wireless Link – South Australia

- Enclosure electrical design.
- Interface to field instruments.
- Wireless link design and test.
-Commission and handover .

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: April 2023.

LoraWAN Rollout

LoraWAN Private Network Rollout
Install private LoraWAN network throughout South Australia

- Develop safe installation methods.
- Install aerial and cabling on industrial rooftops.
- Test and provide quality documents to owner.
- Power up and handover.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: December 2022.

Control Room Design and Fitout

Control Room
Mobile Office Control Room Layout Design and Fitout – South Australia

- Design layout of desks, workstations and enclosures.
- Design control network and server cabinets.
- Supply office, footings, fitout, Run power cables, fibre and control cables .
- Energise, test and handover.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: August 2022.

Control Room Design and Fitout

Control Room
Mobile Office Control Room Layout Design and Fitout – Far North Queensland

- Design layout of desks, workstations and enclosures.
- Design control network and server cabinets.
- Run power cables, fibre and control cables.
-Energise, test and handover.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: March 2022.

Oxygen Plant Auto Start

Process Control
Newcrest: Linde O2 Plant - PNG

- Review current operations.
- Design and implement automatic start.
- To build and test create a fully functional software plant simulator.
- Commission and test on operating facility.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: December 2021.

Oxygen Plant Adv Process Control

Advanced Process Control
Newcrest: Oxygen Plants - PNG Optimization

- Implement controls over three plants.
- Co-ordinate plants using APC strategy.
- Design all displays .
- Design all process control logic.
- Commission and test on operating facility.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: October 2021.

Oxygen Plant Auto Start

Process Control
Newcrest: Air Liquide O2 Plant - PNG

- Review current operations.
- Design and implement automatic start.
- To build and test create fully functional software plant simulator.
- Commission and test on operating facility.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: April 2021.

Control Room Relocation Study

Control Room
Stanwell, Mica Creek

- Review current instrument and electrical requirements to relocate a control room.
- Assess risks.
- Scope control system upgrade requirements.
- Develop a cutover plan for a running power station.
- Determine budgets.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: March 2020.

Master Load Shed System Upgrade

Power Generation
Stanwell: Mica Creek Power Station

- Review current Citect MLSS and document operation.
- Review Schneider/Modicon PLC operation.
- Relocate logic to Plant Wide control Systems.
- Relocate displays from Citect to Plantwide control system.
- Commission and test on operating facility.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: June 2020.

Gas Pressure Reduction Station Instrument Upgrade

Fuel feed gas
AGL Torrens Island: Torrens Island, S.A.

- Gas skid B1, B2, B3 and B4 instrumentation upgrade.
- Instrument tubing.
- Instrument cabling run, installed and connected.
- Connection to Yokogawa plant wide control system.
- Cable ladder, marshalling cabinet construct and install, trenching, earthing and hazardous area connections.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: November 2019.

GE Gas Turbine Repair

Gas turbine electrical generation
AGL Power Station: Somerton, VIC.

- Electrical and Instrument disconnection and removal for mechanical access.
- Instrument storage for duration of generator overhaul.
- Instrument installation and connection for starup and commissioning.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: July 2019.

Wind Farm Electricity Generation

Wind Turbine
Hepburn Wind: Hepburn, Victoria

- Integrate InformDB monitoring system into existing controls.
- Configure cloud database connections.
- Configure key alerts for remote monitoring.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: February 2019.

Foxboro Control System Administration

Mining Explosives Manufacturing
Dyno Nobel: Moranbah, QLD.

- Control system engineering assistance.
- Foxboro I/A Series Distributed Control System, Triconex Safety System.
- System administration assistance and configuration changes.

-Zero Lost Time Injuries.
-Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: Ongoing.

Gas Turbine Check and Commission

Gas turbine return to service
Stanwell Power Station: Mica Creek

- Instrumentation inspection and calibration.
- Vibration system repair.
- GE Mark V control system check.
- Foxboro DCS and ancillary system check.
- Turbine run up and commission assistance.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: September 2018.

Hazardous Area Electrical Upgrade​

Fuel gas inlet to turbine
Stanwell Power Station: Mica Creek

- Complete gas skid inspection.
- Upgrade equipment.
- Upgrade earthing.
- Upgrade Hazardous Area Dossier.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: August 2018.

Field Instrument Calibrations​

Plantwide service during planned maintenance
Air Liquide Oxygen Plant: Port Pirie

- Pressure and temperature field calibrations.
- Rectify faults.
- Issue calibration certificates.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: August 2018

AB Powerflex 753 VSD Supervisory Control Configuration

Gas turbine return to service
Stanwell Power Station: Mica Creek

- Instrumentation inspection and calibration.
- Vibration system repair.
- GE Mark V control system check.
- Foxboro DCS and ancillary system check.
- Turbine run up and commission assistance.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: September 2018.

GE Gas Turbine Return to Service Engineering and Field Services

Instrumentation Calibration and Control
System Test Prior to Return to Service

Stanwell Power Station: Mica Creek

- Calibrate gas turbine instruments.
- Completion of inspection and test.
- Adjust control system logic as required.
- Assist in commissioning.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: March 2018.

Energy Consumption, Demand, Billing and Monitoring

Electrical Switchboard Manufacturers
Decon Corporation: Melbourne

- Design and construct energy monitoring and analytics information system.
- Installation supervision.
- Configure and install the InformDB Technology Stack.
- Design and deliver display dashboards.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: January 2018.

Power Station Water Plant Upgrade

Process instrumentation and tubing
Stanwell: Queensland

- Install water analyzers.
- Source and install process instrumentation.
- Complete wet rack tubing.
- Commissioning assistance.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: August 2017.

Serial Communications Upgrade

Field wiring for DCS Serial Gateways Upgrade
Stanwell: Queensland

- Install and energize control enclosures.
- Run serial cables for all communication gateways.
- Run fibre optic cabling for upgraded communications links.
- Commissioning assistance.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: July 2017.

Plant Air Services Upgrade

Air Compressor and Dryer Electrical Integration
AGL: South Australia

- Project management, enclosure manufacture and trades supervision.
- Field ladder and electrical cabling installation.
- Supervisory controls design.
- Integration into the plantwide control system.
- Commissioning assistance.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: June 2017.

Stack Emissions Monitoring

Gas turbine emissions measurement and reporting
Citic Pacific: Western Australia

- Addition of 6 more emissions stacks expanding our
February 2016 installation.
- Project management, server configuration and
supply, emissions information systems.
- Hourly, daily and monthly emissions reports using
the informDB Technology Stack.
- Communications and interfacing to the
ABB gas analyzers.
- Linkage to the plantwide control systems.
- Quality documentation including drawings.
- On site commissioning.

-Zero Lost Time Injuries.
-Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: May 2017.

Shutdown Services

Major shutdown services -
ammonium nitrate production plant
Incitec Pivot Limited -
Dyno Nobel Moranbah Queensland

- DCS and Safety Instrumented System (SIS) proof checking.
- Maintenance and update of quality test sheets and records.
- Rectification and update works where required.
- Hazardous area.

- Zero Loss Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: April 2017.

Fuel Oil Tank Facility

Radar level integration via wireless network to plantwide control system
AGL: South Australia

- Project management, enclosure manufacture and trades supervision.
- Field conduit and electrical cabling installation.
- Electrical design for radar gauge level automation.
- Hazardous area design and installation.
- Drawing office completion.
- Custom mechanical instrument stand and cable way manufacture.
- Commissioning assistance.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: February 2017.

Water Treatment Plant

Demineralisation plant control system and
cabling upgrade.
AGL: South Australia

- Legacy control system documentation and upgrade (Siemens platform).
- Addition of a touch screen user interface.
- Project management, enclosure manufacture, control system design and trades supervision.
- Enhanced communications via fibre optic installation.

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: May 2016.

Power Station GPS Synchronized Timecode

GPS time synchronization receiver installed
and connected to the Plant Wide
control system
Stanwell: Far North Queensland power station

- Design and issue drawings.
- Procure equipment, stage and test.
- Design lightning protection circuits and select equipment.
- Complete a site installation and quality plan.
- Install GPS receiver and lightning arrestors on site,
run cabling to Plant Wide control system.
- Configure software in control system to synchronize time automatically.
- Test and hand over

- Zero Lost Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: March 2016.

Stack Emissions Monitoring

Gas turnbine emissions measurement and reporting
Citic Pacific: Western Australia

- Project management, server configuration and supply,
emissions information systems.
- Hourly, daily and monthly emissions reports using the
informDB Technology Stack.
- Communications and interfacing to the ABB gas analyzers.
- Linkage to the plantwide control systems.
- Quality documentation including drawings.
- On site commissioning.

-Zero Lost Time Injuries.
-Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: February 2016.

Gold Mine - Engineering Assistance

Assistance with Foxboro plant wide control
system configuration
Cardno / Newcrest Mining: Papua New Guinea,
New Ireland Province (Lihir Island)

- Control system engineering assistance.
- Foxboro I/A Series Distributed Control System.
- Specification and configuration changes.

-Zero Lost Time Injuries.
-Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: Ongoing.

Gas Plant - Emissions Monitoring

Oil & Gas processing emissions monitoring
Exxon: Longford Gas Processing Plant

- Project management, server configuration and supply,
emissions information systems.
- Hourly, daily and monthly emissions reports using the
informDB Technology Stack.
- Communications and interfacing to the ABB
gas analyzers.
- Linkage to the plantwide control systems.
- Quality documentation including drawings.
- On site commissioning.

-Zero Lost Time Injuries.
-Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: Factory testing February 2016. Commissioning December 2016

Control Room Upgrade

Exxon: Fuel Terminal South Australia

- Project management, electrical design, network design
and trades supervision.
- Cabling and Fibre optic installation.
- Manufacture and supply of server rack.
- Upgrade of workstation software.
- Commissioning.
- Training

- Zero Loss Time Injuries.
- Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

Completion: June 2015.

Office and Administration Contact:

(p): +61 (0)3 9024 6223

(f) +61 (0)3 9011 9640