Fuel Oil Tank Facility

Radar level integration via wireless network to plantwide control system AGL: South Australia Scope: - Project management, enclosure manufacture and trades supervision. - Field conduit and electrical cabling installation. - Electrical design for radar gauge level automation. - Hazardous area design and installation. - Drawing office completion. - Custom mechanical instrument stand and cable way manufacture. - Commissioning assistance. Safety: - Zero Lost Time Injuries. - Zero Medical Treatment Injuries. Completion: February 2017.

Radar level integration via wireless network to plantwide control system

AGL: South Australia

– Project management, enclosure manufacture and trades supervision.
– Field conduit and electrical cabling installation.
– Electrical design for radar gauge level automation.
– Hazardous area design and installation.
– Drawing office completion.
– Custom mechanical instrument stand and cable way manufacture.
– Commissioning assistance.

– Zero Lost Time Injuries.
– Zero Medical Treatment Injuries.

February 2017.

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